Project 2 Response

  1. In what way did you change your process to make a piece that was site specific? 
I made this piece site specific by first imagining where it would be displayed, rather than how I usually make a piece focused on the piece itself rather than its environment.
  1. How did you challenge yourself creatively, conceptually and/or technically in the making of this piece? If you did not feel challenged is there something you would do differently if you were to do it again?
I did not feel as challenged with the actual process of making in illustrator with this piece but I feel that is because I chose a very simple process, and could have picked something more complex to make in illustrator. Even if it wasn't difficult to create in illustrator I still stand by my choice conceptually.
  1. Were there elements that made the completion of this piece either more difficult or felt not challenging enough?
I don't believe so, the printing process and application were simple. 
  1. Reflect on the critique and consider how your experience was different from the first: was the feedback you received helpful? Be specific about why or why not.
I think my project was well received as its purpose was immediately clear- it was intimidating, confrontational and it was communicated by my classmates that this was understood. Some of my classmates say that they don't understand why I put this piece here, that it feels pointless to confront someone in this space. I disagree and feel that that is its purpose, it does not have to be more complex than that. this project was about interacting with the space it was in, portraying something that would change if it were not in that spot, and I think that's what I achieved.
